Bhadragol is a Nepali comedy television show. It appears on NTV. Kumar Katel and Arjun Ghimire write the show, and the director is Nepali film director Shankar Acharya. The story is based on village life. The show stars Arjun Ghimire, Kumar Katel, Shankar Acharya, C.P. Pudasaini, Manisha Thapa and Hari Niraula. This show is all about different Political and Social issues. Bhadragol is a typical Nepali Comedy show based on middle class families. This show marks different Political stories and show the present Social environment. With a full force of its member, it tries to bring stories from different national and international spots. It tries to Bring non-stop political Satire and aims to cheer us.
Nepali Comedy TV Serial Bhadragol 6 March 2015 Repeat Episode
12:41 PM
Latest Bhadragol
Nepali Comedy TV Serial Bhadragol 6 March 2015
Nepali TV Serial
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